Ahoy there! 👋

If you were looking for the personal site of Pookage Hayes: the good news is that you've found it; the bad news is that, given the grim AI-riddled state of the industry, I've decided to move on from webdev and am no longer looking for new development contracts or roles.

That said, if you are looking for a mentor, and are part of an under-represented demographic within the web development industry, then please do feel free to reach out so that we can discuss the possibility of working together in that capacity; just because I'm tapping-out it doesn't mean that you have to!

In more exicting news: I've begun work on my next game! 🥳🥳🥳 I'm far from ready to share anything about it yet, but I'll update this site and set up a mailing list when there's more meat on this thing's bones...

Lastly, if you want to follow me on the socials then I'm an active lurker on BlueSky - although I may occasionally tarnish my lurker credentials by posting from time to time.

Big love, and watch this space.
